Whether you gave birth a week ago or 6 months ago, there’s no doubt that you’re wondering how to lose weight after baby. There’s one simple answer: exercise.
Within the medical community, the consensus is clear: exercise is the best way for moms to lose weight after baby. Not only does it improve your physical appearance, that is no more flabby, loose skin but, it also regulates internal processes that tend to encourage your body to convert the food you eat into fat.
Where should you start?
Before you start trying to lose weight after baby, you should get your doctor’s consent. Each woman’s pregnancy is different, and each pregnancy for the same woman can have lots of differences in terms of how it impacts her physically, physiologically, and emotionally.
In general, if you didn’t have any complications during pregnancy and birth, you can slowly start to get back into an exercise routine one to two weeks after delivery. If you had a C-section, it is generally recommended that you wait about a month after delivery before resuming exercise.
As you work on how to lose weight after baby focus on slow and steady weight reduction. An overnight transformation to your pre-baby weight just isn’t realistic. When starting your post-natal fitness routine, concentrate on low-impact activities like walking, swimming, and biking. If you were exercising throughout your pregnancy, you can even reuse your pregnancy routine, in reverse order, to lose weight after baby.
This means that you start with the exercises from the 3rd trimester, then those from the 2nd trimester, and work your way back to your 1st trimester exercises. Working in reverse order makes sense because during your 3rd trimester you’re in a delicate state and your body can’t handle much physical stress; this is also the case right after you’ve given birth. As you start getting stronger, you pick up the 2nd trimester exercises which are a little more intense than the 3rdtrimester ones. And so on.
Click Here To Learn How To Lose Weight After Baby
Better safe than sorry
Exercises that are done in a table position that is with hands and knees on the floor, like in a modified pushup – should be avoided during the first 6 weeks following delivery. This position can lead to the formation of an air clot at the spot where the placenta used to be.
When it comes to high impact exercises like jump-rope or running, they should be avoided during the 8 -12 weeks following delivery. You should also be careful when doing any stretches as part of your effort to lose weight after baby. The reason being that during the birthing process, the body releases a hormone, relaxin, which does exactly what its name implies: it relaxes the pelvic joints (and many other joints in the body) so that the baby can be easily pushed out.
However, this hormone lingers in the body for weeks after you’ve had your baby. Therefore, doing high impact exercises, or very intense stretches, could mean that you end up injuring your already loose and supple joints and ligaments.
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